The concentration of labour into factories has brought about the rise of large towns to serve and house the factory workers. Urbanisation is the physical growth of urban areas as a result of global change. Urbanization is also defined by the United Nations as movement of people from rural to urban areas with population growth equating to urban migration. The United Nations projected that half of the world's population would live in urban areas at the end of 2008.
Workers have to leave their family in order to come to work in the towns and cities where the industries are found.The focus of most assertions about the existence of exploitation towards human beings is the socio-economic phenomenon where people trade their labor or allegiance to a powerful entity, such as the state, a corporation or any other private company. Some theories of exploitation (Marxist, new liberal) are structural, while others are organizational (neoclassical).
Countries, such as the
The relationship between economic growth, employment and poverty reduction is complex. Higher productivity is argued to be leading to lower employment (seejobless recovery). There are differences across sectors, whereby manufacturing is less able that the tertiary sector to accommodate both increased productivity and employment opportunities; over 40% of the world's employees are "working poor" whose incomes fail to keep themselves and their families above the $2 a day poverty line. There is also a phenomenon ofdeindustrialisation, such as in the former USSR countries' transition to market economies, and the agriculture sector often is the key sector in absorbing the resultant unemployment.
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